ProDeForm includes over 40 senior- to junior-level experts with wide range of expertise and competences, thus allowing to offer best matching team for any set task.
Services provided include, but not limited to:
Institutional assessment and capacity building
Making public sector organisations work more effectively is one of the most persistent and difficult challenges in development and development cooperation spheres. Our team of experts is proficient in addressing this challenge by conducting institutional assessment and capacity building projects.
Training design, delivery and evaluation
We have extensive experience building well-organized and actionable training programs for every area of business and public sectors. Whether you need training support for a major change effort, an employee development initiative, or just to enhance your current training programs, our team is ready to support in every step of the way.
Development of educational materials (both online and offline)
Effective learning process is greatly dependent on appropriate educational materials, to promote excellence and help in the achievement of goals and objectives. Our education experts’ team is well equipped to develop learning materials using best practices of formal and non-formal education bot online and offline.
Policy analysis and advocacy
ProDeform conducts independent, original and high-level policy analysis for public sector, third sector and private organisations. We work closely with our clients to identify and frame the main challenges and opportunities emerging from policy situations, using methods for assessing the prevalence of a problem and issues relating to the assessment of needs.
Project design and management
Our highly skilled and experienced project managers and team members are committed to design and deliver outstanding large/small projects, and to create value for customers. Whether you are looking for support with an initial project development or a total project management solution, ProDeform will be there for you every step of the way.
Proposal writing
A proposal is the first step towards your project accomplishments, and like everyone else, you would also want your first steps to be perfect and in the right direction. Our team of qualified proposal writers shape your proposal document with the utmost attention and focus.
Evaluation of programs
Program evaluation has long been recognized as a valuable tool to provide programs with data to help inform decisions, improve program effectiveness, and ensure that the desired goals. We offer a full range of program evaluation services.