ProDeForm stands for Professional Development Platform. ProDeForm LLC started as a non-formal group of experts, who carried out joined projects under ProDeForm brand starting from 2018. In 2021 ProDeForm was registered in State Registered Committee as a Limited Liability Company.
Currently, ProDeForm includes over 40 senior- to junior-level experts with wide range of expertise and competences, thus allowing to offer best matching team for any set task. Up to date ProDeForm has delivered services to local and international organizations, government, and private sector companies.
In ProDeForm we believe in integrity, dedication, positive and creative thinking, professionalism, and collaboration. Our mission is to accelerate growth and transformation, provide quality solutions for ecosystem of the development sector.
ProDeForm works towards systemic development through:
- Innovation
- Quality
- Leadership and management
- Ecosystem
- Capacity building
- Personal growth